Chris: free period? Well maybe you can come back to my house with me and we can hang out
Peter: like what? His voice getting deeper and his dick hair finally growing in?
Peter laughs
Derek nods
Derek: i would love to...Infact wanna spend the night at my place?
Isaac's face lights up
Isaac: Are you sure I won't get in your way?
Isaac isn't used to adults actually wanting him around
Ian makes a face
Ian: Gross! I don't know, I'm sure he has things on his mind that are more important
Evan: Is your family gonna be alright with that?
Chris smiles
Chris: no you won't. My wife is out of town still and allison is going to lydias house after school. Come on it'll be fun
He smiles more brightly
Peter: your his little brother, I'm sure you're the most important thing in his life whether he shows it or not
Derek: I'll just tell my mom Youre sleeping over to watch some movies. We can make out....fuck...
He smirks and squeezes evans ass
Derek: then cuddle all night
He kisses him
Isaac actually feels excited about being all alone with Allison's hot father again and nods with a smile, that makes his blue eyes pop even more
Isaac: Okay, I'd love to
Ian scoffs
Ian: I think he's more interested in kissing and all that stuff at the moment
Evan blushes even more and feels nervous because he's never actually had sex with a guy before
Evan: Lets just go to your place and see what happens, okay?
Chris; lets go
Chris walks isaac outside to his car. They get in and Chris starts driving.
Chris: so I saw danny again today....dude, if I was your age I would do anything to get with him. His ass is ridiculously big
Chris laughs
Peter: wait derek has a girlfriend? Hmm I didn't know that
Derek smiles
Derek: that's fine, lets get dressed
Derek walks into the lockeroom and dries off. He then puts on his clothes while watching evan with a smile
Isaac follows Chris to his car and gets in. He feels a bit uncomfortable as Mr.Argent starts talking about Danny
Isaac: He's very sweet and handsome, but I don't think we really work as a couple. Plus, he could get any guy, why would he want me?
Isaac looks out though the passenger window and his heart beats faster as they're driving through his street
Ian shrugs
Ian: Yuck, girls! I don't know if he has a girlfriend, but don't all boys his age think about that stuff?
Evan follows Derek into the locker room and gets dressed
Evan: Do you want to get Chinese or something for dinner?
Chris: because I'm sure the guys that do go for danny want him just for his ass. He wants you because you showed interest in more than just're a rare breed Isaac Lahey
Chris chuckles then pulls up to his house.
Chris: sorry to seem like I'm nosey...I just, wanna help
Deaton laughs
Peter: I know I was...earlier than 16 actually. Except I was more into the boys
Peter laughs
Derek: I'll make Peter order us mom found weed in the house that was peter's and I took the blame for it so he owes me
Derek laughs and leads evan oit to his car and starts driving
Isaac can't really believe that what Mr.Argent says is true, but he smiles politely
Isaac: That's okay. So, what are we gonna do at your place?
Ian chuckles
Ian: Yeah, we all know that
Evan chuckles as he gets into the car
Evan: Your uncle doesn't sound like any other adults I know
Chris: it's up to tv? Shoot guns? Drink beers? Or we can hop into my pool
Peter chuckles
Peter: I'm just glad my favorite nephew accepts me
Derek: I swear he's a teenager trapped in a grown man's body. I love him like a father but he can be a bit crazy
Isaac thinks about how he'd have to take off his shirt if they'd go into the pool, but then remembers that Mr.Argent has already seen him shirtless
Isaac: The pool sounds good, but I don't have any swimming trunks with me
Ian smiles wider now and gets onto Peter's lap, sitting with hime like he used to when he was smaller
Ian: I love you uncle Peter
Evan: Must be cool though, having an uncle who's more like a teenager than an adult