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1/10/2015 7:27 pm  #841

Re: Teen Wolf Season 1 RP

Chris: free period? Well maybe you can come back to my house with me and we can hang out

Peter: like what? His voice getting deeper and his dick hair finally growing in?

Peter laughs

Derek nods

Derek: i would love to...Infact wanna spend the night at my place?


1/10/2015 7:32 pm  #842

Re: Teen Wolf Season 1 RP

Isaac's face lights up

Isaac: Are you sure I won't get in your way?

Isaac isn't used to adults actually wanting him around


Ian makes a face

Ian: Gross! I don't know, I'm sure he has things on his mind that are more important


Evan: Is your family gonna be alright with that?


1/10/2015 8:02 pm  #843

Re: Teen Wolf Season 1 RP

Chris smiles

Chris: no you won't. My wife is out of town still and allison is going to lydias house after school. Come on it'll be fun

He smiles more brightly

Peter: your his little brother, I'm sure you're the most important thing in his life whether he shows it or not

Derek: I'll just tell my mom Youre sleeping over to watch some movies. We can make out....fuck...

He smirks and squeezes evans ass

Derek: then cuddle all night

He kisses him

     Thread Starter

1/10/2015 8:14 pm  #844

Re: Teen Wolf Season 1 RP

Isaac actually feels excited about being all alone with Allison's hot father again and nods with a smile, that makes his blue eyes pop even more

Isaac: Okay, I'd love to


Ian scoffs

Ian: I think he's more interested in kissing and all that stuff at the moment


Evan blushes even more and feels nervous because he's never actually had sex with a guy before

Evan: Lets just go to your place and see what happens, okay?


1/10/2015 8:21 pm  #845

Re: Teen Wolf Season 1 RP

Chris; lets go

Chris walks isaac outside to his car. They get in and Chris starts driving.

Chris: so I saw danny again today....dude, if I was your age I would do anything to get with him. His ass is ridiculously big

Chris laughs

Peter: wait derek has a girlfriend? Hmm I didn't know that

Derek smiles

Derek: that's fine, lets get dressed

Derek walks into the lockeroom and dries off. He then puts on his clothes while watching evan with a smile

     Thread Starter

1/10/2015 8:39 pm  #846

Re: Teen Wolf Season 1 RP

Isaac follows Chris to his car and gets in. He feels a bit uncomfortable as Mr.Argent starts talking about Danny

Isaac: He's very sweet and handsome, but I don't think we really work as a couple. Plus, he could get any guy, why would he want me?

Isaac looks out though the passenger window and his heart beats faster as they're driving through his street


Ian shrugs

Ian: Yuck, girls! I don't know if he has a girlfriend, but don't all boys his age think about that stuff?


Evan follows Derek into the locker room and gets dressed

Evan: Do you want to get Chinese or something for dinner?


1/10/2015 8:51 pm  #847

Re: Teen Wolf Season 1 RP

Chris: because I'm sure the guys that do go for danny want him just for his ass. He wants you because you showed interest in more than just're a rare breed Isaac Lahey

Chris chuckles then pulls up to his house.

Chris: sorry to seem like I'm nosey...I just, wanna help

Deaton laughs

Peter: I know I was...earlier than 16 actually. Except I was more into the boys

Peter laughs

Derek: I'll make Peter order us mom found weed in the house that was peter's and I took the blame for it so he owes me

Derek laughs and leads evan oit to his car and starts driving

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1/10/2015 8:57 pm  #848

Re: Teen Wolf Season 1 RP

Isaac can't really believe that what Mr.Argent says is true, but he smiles politely

Isaac: That's okay. So, what are we gonna do at your place?


Ian chuckles

Ian: Yeah, we all know that


Evan chuckles as he gets into the car

Evan: Your uncle doesn't sound like any other adults I know


1/10/2015 9:07 pm  #849

Re: Teen Wolf Season 1 RP

Chris: it's up to tv? Shoot guns? Drink beers? Or we can hop into my pool

Peter chuckles

Peter: I'm just glad my favorite nephew accepts me

Derek: I swear he's a teenager trapped in a grown man's body. I love him like a father but he can be a bit crazy

     Thread Starter

1/10/2015 9:12 pm  #850

Re: Teen Wolf Season 1 RP

Isaac thinks about how he'd have to take off his shirt if they'd go into the pool, but then remembers that Mr.Argent has already seen him shirtless

Isaac: The pool sounds good, but I don't have any swimming trunks with me


Ian smiles wider now and gets onto Peter's lap, sitting with hime like he used to when he was smaller

Ian: I love you uncle Peter


Evan: Must be cool though, having an uncle who's more like a teenager than an adult


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