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7/20/2013 9:39 am  #1

Teen Wolf Season 8 Episode 4: The Boy Who Knew Too Much Sneak Peek

• In the beginning of the episode one of the human members of the pack will be involved in an accident and sent to the hospital

• Derek warns his pack that the Lunar eclipse is coming next week and he tells them exactly what will happen during it

• A huge Storm is heading straight for Beacon Hills

• Most of the pack goes to pay the injured human a visit but then the storm rolls in and they are forced to take cover in.the hospital, in the middle of the night with no power as Matt.decides to go looking for the 2 werewolf sacrifices

• This episode will focus mainly on horror

• The newer betas ( Riley, Drew, Eddie) will step up this episode and show everyone how loyal they are

• This episode will hurt


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