Jackson looks at stiles likes hes crazy ..
J: well its abercrombie fierce i wear so go buy some .. You might have more luck with the laides , oops sorry i mean guys , and by the way , to say you care so much for lydia , you havent spoke to her in a while .. I think shes kinda upset , i slept with her last night ..
Jackson grins Waiting to see to what reaction stiles will give to the news ...
Stiles rolls her eyes then sighs
Stiles: well congratulations Jackson! Like really...grow up. Ill always care about Lydia but I'm not jealous. New fucking flash Jackson......I'm GAY!! If anything I'd be jealous that she had sex with you but guys that look like the Ken doll during the day and a mutant lizard at night so aren't my type. Derek Hale is.....
He stands up to Jackson's face and smirks. Not showing fear towards his bully for the first time
Jackson steps back shocked at stiles reaction ..
J: woah calm down pyscho .. I didnt mean i screwed her i just slept there .. Jeeze talk about getting your thong in a twist , stiles u used to be pretty chilled but you are like a fucking diva now what the hell happened to you .. Oh and i dont turn into a fucking lizard piss off
Stiles: what happened to me?! Well lets see...I fell in love with the greaser of all werewolves and he turned me into something I didn't want to be. Then to put the icing on the cake he leaves....I haven't seen Derek in two days and I'm not just being a diva. It hurts physically...when the alpha breaks the connection with its mate.
He looks at Jackson and sighs
Stiles: I'm sorry....I just wish Scott never got bit. If he never got bitten.then none of would be in this situation
Jackson looks at stiles and feels sorry for him ,
J: yeh well i know theres a lot of freaky shit going on and we all seem to be in. The middle of it , look come inside for coffee
They head inside
Stiles walks in and his jaw drops as he looks at how big and luxurious Jackson's house it. He sits down in the kitchen
Stiles: are your parents ever home?
He laughs then looks at Jackson and realizes how painful that must be for him
J: are you crazy , they come home about once a month for a night to check i am alive they have no idea whats going on with me , christ knows why they adopted me when they never want to bother with me
Stiles looks down then up at Jackson
Stiles: well they should be lucky to have a son like you. I remember when my mom.....
He gulps as his eyes turn yellow from his emotions
Stiles: nevermind
Jackson realises what stiles was gonna say and busies himself making coffee ,
J: hey do u want some of these fancy ass cookies , according to mom n dad they compliment the coffee perfectly , what ever the hell that means , ha
He laughs trying to lighten the mood ,
J: you know stiles , for a total loser you aint too bad
Stiles jaw drops on the floor ,
Stiles: you know....for a douchebag with a silver spoon stuck up your're not too bad either
He walks over and takes a cookie then eats it and makes a face
Stiles: eww...ill just take the coffee haha.
Stiles leans on the counter next to Jackson surprised that he was enjoying Jackson so much