Oh Ik!!! I love it when everybody is on at the same time
Yeah but sadly we're all in different timezones so it's hard to be online at the same time
True, but Atleast we still have a four hour time slot that we can all be on together!
Yeah lol. My boyfriend looks at me like I'm insane because during noon (after I come back from work) I go here and refresh the page every 20 minutes like a stalker rofl.
Haha I do that too!
That's because the forum is awesome! :D
Exactly!!! It's phenomenal!
I am going to play Lauren as well.
Lauren is apart of the Alpha pack and I plan to have her be close to Axel, but a wolf who doesn't usually speak her mind infront of others. She is going to be a listener, not giving her thoughts and ideas as much to the whole pack but to Axel. She will do the secret jobs that the rest of the pack doesn't because she is good and staying out of sight. She doesn't fight much, but will if need be.
Lauren respects her pack but think of them are immature sometimes. She likes that Axel can keep order, and she doesn't underestimate Derek's pack. She is very smart and she picks up on a lot of things. She can read people very well.
Last edited by Lydia Ulsaker (9/02/2012 3:46 pm)
Okay here are things about Flanigan and the new "semi-character" inside Esteban's body.
Since the first time I played Julia Flanigan I wanted to be a huge mix of mega-bitches from many tv-shows lol. My first three basis are Amanda from "Melrose Place", Miranda Presley from "Devil Wears Prada" and finally... Kate Argent . As a retired member from the Alpha pack, she helps them a lot and wants to be their leader. The funniest thing is that at first, she was just supposed to introduce the Club 21 and Esteban's situation but I found it funny to give more depth to this character by implying her is the Alpha Pack storyline.
I also planned her to be the real Big Bag of this season and then the Alpha pack will have no choice to ask for help inn Derek's pack to defeat her then the Alpha pack can deal with Derek to leave them alone.
Alright now Esteban has some troubles lol. I always had this idea in mind of Esteban being possessed by a demon but it was too easy I thought. So I decided to have a developped storyline about it. So here's the thing, when he was working for Club 21 Esteban had been bewitched by Flanigan so now it's like he has 2 different parts in his body but the second one is controlled by Flanigan herself. I see it as the "Yin and Yang" thing, the real Esteban is the Yin while the other is the Yang and Flanigan did something to make Yang control Esteban's body. Sadly none can live without the other. So to resolve this situation they have to kill Flanigan. Playing this thing is totally funny, because watching Esteban acting like a "bad character" without being one will be great to read.
TADAM! I hope that you understood everything because all is clear in my mind but I dunno if I wrote it correctly lol.
I think the idea is sooo beautiful and perfect!!!