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12/27/2018 6:40 pm  #1

Characters to look out for...

ALEX: The premiere of season 22B focuses on Alex trying to redeem himself after everything hes caused and exactly how he plays into the three year time jump

EDDIE: Eddie went from being quiet, reserved, but extremely loyal and trustworthy but in the first half of Season 22 he murdered Scott inorder to bring Stiles back. Only Alex knows but how long can eddie carry around the guilt of what he did and how much longer until Stiles finds out.

JUGHEAD: During this new apocalypse Jughead becomes extremely protective over Aiden Jr and becomes a leader as all of Peter's betas follow his orders

JACOB: After everything that has happened with his father,  the brother he didnt know he had and the "death" of Stiles, Jacob has turned all of his attention to Peter. Theyre both madly in love but itll be interesting to see what happens when Jacob finds out about Stiles

NOLAN: Nolan and Madison are the only witches left on earth and as his powers get stronger so does his ego

ELLA: everything changed when the bombs fell, including Ella realizing she wants Stefan back. After the 3 year time jump Ella is not only a well respected leader but also one hell of a survivor, especially in episode 7 when she and Stiles encounter a mysterious presence in the woods during a supplies run.


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