He's awesome on the show ^^
Entire episode is up please let me know what you think
So Jack, Rosita, Danny, Chris and Alex are held captive by the witches in the woods and the rest of the pack is in Riverdale?
The episode was great btw. I was so scared when Barry was bitten :O
lol I can't kill off Barry but things will be different for him now that Wally is with the pack. Barry will start acting like a father
Wally is surely gonna be annoyed about that ^^ Barry should be like that towards Stiles too though xD
Look at these pics of Daniel Sharman His hair is weird, but his body looks great
Any ideas for future villains?
You didn't watch One Upon A Time, did you? On the show, a character was persuaded by a shadow to be turned into Peter Pan, he was a grown man before. The shadow lurs children and takes them to Nerverland to be the lost boys and does other evil things. Maybe we could have that shadow too, just that it's evil and Peter is not, sort of like the Nogitsune and the shadow makes it so the others believe that Peter is evil
I usually don't like beards, but he looks hot with a little beard