Killian: what's done is done. Are you on my side or theirs?
Stiles: ohhhhhh Isaac! Mmmm fuck me please
Peter smiles at Travis then notices Riley glaring at them
Peter: I'm an alpha, it'll heal fast
Stefan: my girlfriend and son are with the others. She's the only girl in there and my son is the blonde, are they okay?
Peter rubs the side of Killians face
Peter: yours of course!
Isaac smirks and lies Stiles down on his back. He spits on his own dick, bends Stiles's knees to his chest and slides his dick into his hole
Isaac: hmmmmmmm so tight!
Travis: They're all fine, just worried about you
Travis takes a pair of tracksuit bottoms and a shirt from one of the dead marauders and gives them to Derek
Travis: cam you do it or do you need some help?
Killian smiles and kisses him
Killian: good....I'll think about not killing Derek as for Alex if I ever see him I'm taking his head
Stiles: ohhhhh shit mmmmmm Isaac!!
Stiles gasps and holds onto him as he stares into his eyes
Stiles: fuck me
Stefan: let them know we're ok
Derek sighs as he slowly sits up and peter helps
Derek: they're gonna know you helped us....they'll kill you too
Peter: who cares?
Peter looks back at Travis
Peter: kidding
Peter: Remind me not to get on your bad side
Peter chuckles
Isaac: Hmmmmmm such a tight ass
Isaac laughs and starts fucking Stiles hard
Travis shrugs
Travis: better than being used as a sextoy every day
He looks at how dirty they are
Travis: want me to show you where the actual working showers are?
He looks at Peter
Travis: It's just the next room
Killian laughs
Killian: you can't I love you too much
He reaches under the bed and grabs a bottle of tequila
Killian: wanna get drunk?
Stiles: ohhhhhh fuck!! Mmmmmm Isaac I've missed the way you fuck me
She slaps isaacs ass and makes out with him
Peter nods and walks away with Travis
Peter: you're too cute to be a Marauder
Peter: Hell yeah!
Peter grabs the bottle and takes a big mouthful
Isaac: It's been way too long
He leans down and sucks on Stiles's neck as he fucks him
Travis: Like I said, I needed to survive
Travis gets underneath a shower and turn the water on
Travis: See? They work!
He looks up closing his eyes with a sigh as he lets the warm water flow down his naked body
Killian smiles then takes a chug from it
Killian: I haven't been on a bed in ages
Stiles gasps and moans as he can't stop squeezing isaac's ass
Stiles: mmmmmmm yeah baby mmmm how's that ass feel?
Peter checks him out then gets under the shower head next to him and smiles as the water falls on him
Peter: we're gonna have to kill them, all of them. And smart move by helping're on his good side so welcome to the pack I guess
He chuckles and watches Travis shower
Peter: Yeah, it's definitely more comfortable than the ground
Isaac: I love it! Hmmmm so tight!
Travis: If they don't kill me before that
Travis starts putting soap on himself
Killian smiles
Killian: this place is our kingdom now baby.....
He takes another shot then hands it back to him
Killian: the world is ours
he sticks his finger up isaacs ass
Peter sighs
Peter: what about the boy, he as bad as the rest of them?
Peter chugs down more of the tequila and lays back with a grin as he starts to feel drowsy
Peter: We're gonna have the best time in here
Isaac: Oh I won't stop for a while baby! This ass is mine!
Isaac keeps fucking Stiles's ass and starts sucking on his big toe
Travis: Peter is a good guy really. He just doesn't know anything else. It's sad really. Peter was only 14 when Hook saved him from a cruel pimp but then started fucking him himself. He's never known much besides sex I guess
Travis let's out a moan as he stand underneath the warm water
Travis: It's been ages since I've had a real shower