Yeah, that pic is really cute
Look up pics of Oliver Queen, he's so hot ^^
Full episode is up...sets things up for a crazy season
OMG just saw the first scene of Arrow with Colton in it, he stole a purse and was pretty badass XD
Do you watch game of thrones?
I watched in for a while, maybe the first 2 or 3 seasons. Why?
Ok I just started and I'm on season 3. I'm thinking. About bringing the Lord of the Light storyline into teen wolf and introduce Melisandre as a villain
Ok, I don't think I've seen that storyline Or I forgot about it because it's been so long
I just know that this guy is in the show at one point
He plays one CRAZY character
Ughhh he was so evil
I just watched a few scenes on YouTube because the actor is in another show and I think he's super hot ^^
Could we make it so that Barry's accident hasn't happened yet, so you could do it in an episode? He gets struck by lightning and is in a coma for a while. In the coma it seems like his heart stops a couple of time, but it really beats faster than the machines can show. The lights in the hospitals flicker when his heart "stops". Would be cool if it was really dramatic and Jackson is super worried ^^