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1/01/2015 7:37 pm  #771

Re: Teen Wolf Season 1 RP

Chris: well I know your father is technically your boss there. Atleast here you can relax....hang out with allison and her friends and not be a slave

Chris laughs

Derek looks into evans eyes

Derek: would they hate you?


1/01/2015 7:45 pm  #772

Re: Teen Wolf Season 1 RP

Isaac: Maybe you could teach me about your knives

Isaac points at the weapons. Then he ralizes that Mr.Argent probably has better things to do than spend his time with some 16-year old boy and his smiles fades as he goes back to his usual shyness

Isaac: I'm sorry, you probably have enough work to do as it is


Evan sighs and thinks for a moment

Evan: I think my dad wouldn't be able to look at me anymore. He was always so happy to have a son, someone he could play baseball with and watch the Superbowl and stuff like that


1/01/2015 8:08 pm  #773

Re: Teen Wolf Season 1 RP

Chris: don't you worry im a free man tonight...these knives were apart of a weapons deal I did with the yakuza years ago

He hands the knives to isaac

Chris: all these weapons have a story attached to them

Derek: well my father beats the hell out of all of us...only time he doesn't do it is when uncle Peter is here, he's terrified of him. Funny thing is Peter is gay and someone seems to accept it but...I'm just still scared

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1/01/2015 8:15 pm  #774

Re: Teen Wolf Season 1 RP

Isaac takes the knife and looks at it with admiration

Isaac: The Yakuza? Isn't that like the japanese mafia or something?


Evan looks shocked about Derek's words

Evan: He beats you? God, I'm so sorry. Shouldn't you maybe tell the police or something?


1/01/2015 8:18 pm  #775

Re: Teen Wolf Season 1 RP

Chris: that's exactly what it is....I'm not boring like the other parents around here

Chris laughs. Also on the wall are pieces of an Oni's mask

Derek laughs

Derek: he'll always win. We're the Hales...have just as much influence over this town as the Argent's do. He basically owns the police

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1/01/2015 8:31 pm  #776

Re: Teen Wolf Season 1 RP

Isaac walks a bit closer to the Oni's mask and stares at it

Isaac: What is that?


Evan: I always thought the Sheriff was such a good guy

ooc: Do you mind if I send Ian into Derek's room? He'll go away again later ^^


1/01/2015 8:37 pm  #777

Re: Teen Wolf Season 1 RP

Ooc: that's fine

Chris looks nervous and gulps

Chris: uhhh its a mask...just don't get too close to it

Derek: he is but the other cops aren't anyways let's change the subject to how bad I wanna kiss you

Derek smiles

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1/01/2015 8:44 pm  #778

Re: Teen Wolf Season 1 RP

Isaac looks as if the mask has sent him into some kind of trance and he reaches his hand out and almost touches it until Chris' voice breaks through to him

Isaac: God, it's spooky


Evan smiles and is about to say something when a little boy, who looks almost exactly like Derek, walks into the room. He has a busted lip, a cut on his forehead and three thin bruises on his arm that seem to come from a big strong hand. Evan almost wants to cry when he sees him

Ian: Derek, look. I got a D in my history popquiz. Dad is gonna be so angry

The busted lip and the bruises on Ian's arm are frsh, not even Derek has seen them yet. Ian looks over at Evan for a moment and just feels nervous


1/01/2015 8:50 pm  #779

Re: Teen Wolf Season 1 RP

Chris: you should see what was wearing it

Chris laughs

Chris: so what's this I hear about you and danny? Sorry...but you know jackson isn't exaftlu the quietest person

Derek sighs and looks at the lip and bruises. His eyes quickly fill with tears and he hugs evan

Derek: we have to tell uncle Peter what's going on

     Thread Starter

1/01/2015 8:55 pm  #780

Re: Teen Wolf Season 1 RP

Isaac is about to ask if Mr.Argent just made a mistake and said 'What' instead of 'Who' when he asks about Danny. He blushes and plays around with his keys in the pocket of his jacket awkwardly

Isaac: We just had something going on, but it's over now


Ian: But not even mum could do anything and she's the Alpha. I just want dad to go away

Ian sits on Derek's lap and looks sad

Evan wants to hug the little boy so badly right now, but of course he can't just hug a kid he doesn't know

Evan: What does he mean by Alpha?, he asks and looks at Derek


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