Misty Day
age: 23
- A witch from the swamps of Louisiana that has the power of resurrection. She's extremely in time with nature. She's on the run from witch hunters whom will soon also find their way into Beacon Hills
Deputy Evan Parrish
Age: 22
- he's the newest addition to the Beacon Hills police department and the youngest. Deputy Parrish knows nothing about the supernatural but after a mass murder which happens in episode 6 he's thrown into the horror in town as he tries to uncover the killer. Deputy Parrish will also find a love interest within the next few episodes
Braeden Deaton
Age: 24
All we know about Braeden is that she's the younger sister of Ms.Morell and Dr. deaton. Braeden is an emissary but calls herself a mercenary because she only gets involved if there's money involved. Braeden will first appear in episode 6 and will be a reoccurring minor character