Sorry I haven't been on in awhile my phone and laptop decided to break at the same time
No worries
Awww no, that's awful! I hope they're fixed now
Won't get them fixed for another couple of days I'm using a tablet now
Finally got my phone fixed. I should have the episode up by the end of today
So I promise the whole episode will be up tomorrow. Sorry it's been taking forever
I guess it's taken longer ^^ but that's okeay ;)
Yeah sorry my work schedule has been all over the place but when I get home today I'll work on it
Btw have you seen The originals?
No worries
I only watched the episodes with Daniel Sharman in them xD
Episode is finally up please let me know what you think
For role play purposes:
Chris Argent, Alex, and Jack are locked in a room with Lito inside of terminus while Rosita is by herself somewhere on the compound hiding
Barry, Jackson, Stiles, Eddie, Lydia, Isaac and Aiden are all at STARR labs in central city trying to manufacture the cure in aiden's blood
Evan, Danny, Tyler and Lucas are now in an empty house in Riverdale. They're not being held captive but are waiting for Sean to convince Marcel they can stay
Killian, Peter Pan and the other marauder's have control of the mall. Ian, Theo, James, Corey, Ella, Gabriel and Scott are all locked inside of the furniture room
Stefan, Peter Hale and Riley are chained up to the shower heads as Derek just lays on the ground defeated and in a coma like state after being raped by all the Marauder's