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10/25/2013 11:50 am  #1

Teen Wolf Season 9 Episode 8 Sneak Peek

Kate stands infront of the burning Nemeton tree trunk with a smirk on her face as the witches with the tall black hoods form a circle around it and hold each other's hands then they begin to levitate off the ground

Deaton, Morell, and Chris Argent are in the morgue

Deaton: the more male sacrifices they commit the stronger they get

Argent: so they have to kill the emissaries first?

Morell: the emissaries have always gotten in the way of devil worshipping witches. If they kill us then they'll torment the souls of everyone in this town

Argent: I think right now the bigger threat is the fact that Flora argent is ordering hits all on the members of the pack

Deaton thinks

Deaton: no....the biggest threat is the destruction of the Nemeton.

Argent: Lydia burned it down

Deaton: yes she did...but only because Peter wanted her to. Peter can see the future and he plans accordingly


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